Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Officially to 10 Auctions!

Hey there!  Well, since I've started this whole eBay thing yesterday, I've been a photo taking, description writing machine!  I'm up to 10 things up for auction.  I have no watchers or bidders yet, but in my limited eBay experience, I have seen that this usually happens hours or even minutes before the auction is over.  Trying to stay positive over here to keep this as fun, and hopefully profitable!

Feel free to see my items currently available here, and follow me on twitter @wifeysellsthing

Any tips for this (and any) newbie on how to maximize my auction views?


  1. your pictures are FANTASTIC! most of us tend to steer away from auctions as most buyers seem to want buy it now prices. People do tend to bid within the last 24 hours which can be frustrating. Personally when doing auctions I start with my "happy with" price and anything above that is a bonus. I have never had much luck with infant toys; however, what doesn't sell for me may sell like hotcakes for you and visa versa. If you find they don't sell individually you could try selling them in "lots" of a couple toys...but then that requires new pictures :D I give you lots of props. I have been selling on ebay for about a decade so its "old hat" to me but I set up my husband's account to sell our stuff (my "main" account is only resell items that are taxable as income on my schedule C but his account is all the nontaxable stuff that isnt income but laying around the house) They made is pretty confusing to set up a new sell account. Best of luck!

  2. I personally prefer auctions over Buy it Now. Use pinterest to draw attention to your items! I use it all the time and it helps to drive traffic so much!!
